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About Us

The Undergraduate Law Review is an organization that enriches students through the process of writing legal discourse. The organization was re-established in 2020 and had its first official publication in Spring 2022. Each semester, new writers and editors are invited to join. Both new and returning members alike are given the chance to bolster their legal writing skills.


The link below is a simple way to stay updated on anything ULR FSU! 


Blog Updates

Applications for Fall 2024 are currently open for both writers and editors! Please refer to the "Links" tab above to find the application form.

Additionally, we recently published our fifth volume, which features fourteen well-written and timely articles. Our writers and editors worked diligently during the Spring 2024 semester to create this publication. If you would like to read Volume V, or our other past publications, please do so at your convenience by going to the "Publications" tab. 


Kind regards,

Anya Finley

Undergraduate Law Review President/Editor-in-Chief


Legal Discourse is Important!

The Undergraduate Law Review has really changed my perspective on writing. Last semester (Fall 2022) I decided to do a paper on the legal discourse that involved the reversal of Roe v. Wade. I think every writer has the ability to talk about issues in a way that will help us during our years in law school. I have been in this organization since it started in 2020 and it has grown so much. I love reading everyone's papers on unique issues such as hot topics like the environment or gun laws. Everyone has a voice here!


- Kendall Harris, 2022-2023 President

Kendall Harris, FL 

“This organization is an enriching experience that has really improved my editing and writing skills. My goal is to be a better version of myself for law school."

Jamie Schulman, FL

"ULR is an up and coming organization. I believe in a few years that it really will take off. I hope to see more pre law students join in the future!"

Iliana Acosta, FL

“I am the founder of this organization and seeing it flourish has made my heart happy. I really enjoyed making this happen and giving the ability for others to bring law issues and topics to paper.”

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